Copy cascading list value to another when issue has an epic

Issue #285 resolved
IT MayaHTT created an issue


I was wondering if there is a way to copy a cascading list value(s) field from an issue to another when the new issue has the other as Epic ?

I'm already copying custom fields values using the post-function "Read fields from linked issues or subtasks" but this doesn't seem to work with a cascading list. I believe this has to do with the fact that a cascading list has two levels, I even tried with Advanced mode to parse the text as suggested here : But it fails setting up arguments (0 & 1) after the field id.

However, it works well for a sub-tasks using this :

Regards, John

Comments (4)

  1. IT MayaHTT reporter

    Thank you so much this answers my question, and it works like a charm !

    Have a great day! John

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It will also work if you simply select the corresponding custom field as source value to be read.

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