JWT hangs up

Issue #288 resolved
Andrey Kiyanovsky created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I have a workflow assigned to standard issue type. Accidently I was using Parent's field in post-functions. It was saved for the firs time, but now I can't open this transition - JIRA and JWT hang up (page is not displayed) with the following log records:

2016-04-11 10:17:55,286 ajp-apr-8009-exec-46 ERROR andreyki 617x398912x1 s9d4ft /secure/WorkflowUIDispatcher.jspa [plugins.workflowToolbox.shared.GeneralizedField] #*** OPT ION FOR Parent's Deployed:

Comments (21)

  1. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    I tried to re-assign this workflow to subtask issue type only, but it didn't help. BTW, this is a global reflexive transition.

  2. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    The page keeps loading without any response, Chrome shows "waiting for .. JIRA URL...".

  3. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    I had to export the workflow, cut off the following code and import, now it works, here is the code where it hangs up:

    Set a field as a function of other fields

    [%{00067} != "" and {00058} != 0 and {00059} = 0 and {00060} = 0]Open

    [%{00067} != "" and {00059} != 0 and {00060} = 0 and {00064} = 0]To Do

    [%{00067} != "" and ({00059} != 0 or ({00058} != 0 and {00064} != 0))]In Progress

    a[%{00067} != "" and {00058} = 0 and {00059} = 0 and {00060} = 0 and {00064} != 0 and indexOf(availableItems(%{12902}, %{00061}),%{00062}) != count(availableItems%{12902}, %{00061})]first(availableItems(%{12901},nthElement(availableItems(%{12902}, %{00061}),indexOf(availableItems(%{12902}, %{00061}),%{00062})+1)))

    It's strange, I can't see parent's fields here.

  4. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    I've just looked through all the exported XML and did not find a field with the code 51400 (Parent's Deployed CF). I don't have a clue why it throw error for "Parent's Deployed" field.

  5. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    I've just checked the log, this error message is not connected to this bug! It hangs up without error messages.

  6. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    BTW, I'm using JWT 2.2.10_beta_2 with the new availableItems function, where it most likely hangs.

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Andrey, the XML file you attached doesn't contain post-function "Set field as a function of other fields" that was causing the problem. I think that you attached the workflow once you has removed the failing post-funcion. I need the original XML file if you still have it.

    A pair of questions:

    • Which version of JIRA are you using?
    • Can you attach a screenshot with the configuration of file %{12902}? I would like to see the different options available in this field.
  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andrey,

    I have released version 2.2.10_beta_3 fixing the problem, that was caused by a problem in the parser linked to function "indexOf()".

    I advise to restart the JIRA servers affected by the problem, since there might be threads alive wasting CPU time due to infinite loops.

    This fix also improves performance in expressions using indexOf() function.

    By the way, your last setting rule wasn't correctly formed. Use the following one:

    a[%{00067} != "" and {00058} = 0 and {00059} = 0 and {00060} = 0 and {00064} != 0 and indexOf(%{00062}, availableItems(%{12902}, %{00061})) != count(availableItems(%{12902}, %{00061}))]first(availableItems(%{12901}, nthElement(availableItems(%{12902}, %{00061}), indexOf(%{00062}, availableItems(%{12902}, %{00061}))+1)))
  9. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    It works, Fidel, thank you!

    Do you any ideas regarding error message? What can it be related to?

  10. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andrey,

    The error message has been removed. It was a introduced for tracing purpose during development, and I forgot to remove it.

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