How to use your toolset in a Dev/Test -> Production environment?

Issue #30 resolved
Perry Hunter created an issue

Hi Fidel!

Love your toolset, but we work in an environment where we have to develop and test our workflows on one instance of JIRA, then migrate that to production only after it;s been proven and tested. The license we purchased only works for the single instance of JIRA (Production), but is about to expire in our dev/test environment and the license key is invalid there.

Can you help us out?


Perry Hunter SQA Engineer, Textronix

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Perry,

    Thanks for using my plugin. I answered your previous issue (#29) on the same subject, but it seems that you didn't receive the notification of it from Bitbucket.

    I repeat the answer in this issue:

    You should have a developer license available at Login at that website and look for a link called "View Developer License" which is located below License Key text box.

    Developer licenses can be used by existing license holders who wish to deploy non-production installations of JIRA to assist with development and testing efforts. Developer licenses can also be used for non-production installations of JIRA deployed on a cold stand-by server.

    Please, make me know if this solves your problem.



  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I close the issue after receiving confirmation from Perry that the solution provided worked ok.

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