Copy a parsed text to a field Function for this transition.

Issue #312 resolved
FatimaM created an issue

Hi After using this post function in Resolve transition in Jira Service desk,we are not getting resolved notification from Jira.After we delete the notification comes.See attachment(post function order,notification)

Comments (19)

  1. FatimaM reporter

    Hi Fidel Pls look at notifications in your jira.I did not receive these comments as notifictaions. That is why I do not know what is going on my issues here

  2. FatimaM reporter

    Our problem is in this post function Copy a parsed text to a field Pls look at my attachment of workflow post functions.When I erase this post function the notification about resolution which sends JIra comes.With this post function it does not come. Pls look at your code

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have tried to reproduce your configuration using JIRA 7.1.6 and JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.9 with a "Copy parsed text to a field" post-function in "Resolve Issue" transition for setting a User Picker custom field to Current User.

    It works as expected and issue resolved notifications arrive normally to mailbox.

    I'm assuming that "Resolved by" custom field is a User Picker. Can you please confirm this?

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Fatima, I'm available for a videoconference for talking about this issue. Please, propose a date-time if you are interested.

  5. FatimaM reporter

    We are using Jira v7.1.0# and JWT 2.2.11 Pls look at attachment: 1.The post function and their order 2.The created issue number 3.And notifications about this issue(create,resolve transitions).But there is no Request Resolved notification

    Pls try to reproduce such situation as I described

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Fatima, that failure is really odd, since setting a User Picker field has nothing to do with email notifications. I can't imagine how are both facts related.

    I need the following:

    • XML file of your workflow.
    • If possible, the log file of your server, or the part related with the failure. You can send it to


  7. FatimaM reporter

    Also I attach SLA does not work when we use this post-function.I mean event Resolution does not apply

  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    I need the following information in order to work on this issue:

    • XML file of your workflow.
    • If possible, the log file of your server, or the part related with the failure. You can send it to


  9. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Fatima, I'm interested in having a video-conference in order to see your problem in direct. Is it possible?

  10. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    In relation to the problem with the SLA, please, try refreshing the browser after resolving the issue, you will see that SLA indicator shows correct information again. This is not a problem related with JIRA Workflow Toolbox, but with JIRA itself. You can removing the post-function of the "Resolve Issue" transition, and the behavior will keep happening.

    In relation with the other problem you mention in this issue, I need to have a video-conference with you, otherwise I'm blocked and can't advance. If you are really interested in solving it, please set a date and time for the meeting.

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