Add a comment post function

Issue #314 resolved
FatimaM created an issue

Hi There is no System Admin role in list of Comment author

Comments (11)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Fatima,

    Do you mean in "Add a comment" post-function?

    Please, check whether the role is available in another functionality of the plugin, like "Users in a field are/aren't in a project role" condition.

    Please, get the list of project roles in your instance: Administration > System > Project Roles. Please, attach a screenshot showing the project roles.

    By default, JIRA provides a project role called Administrators, but not System Admin.

  2. FatimaM reporter

    Yes,I mean project role Administrators There is nothing in validator "Users in a field are/aren't in a project role"

    See attachment

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Fatima, I can't reproduce your problem. Can we have a screen-share by Skype or any other video-conference service? My Skype user is fidel100r. I will be available from now until 13:00 UTC.

  4. FatimaM reporter

    Hi Fidel.Pls look at 1-st screenshot of post function from your add-on.There is no administrator role(look at 2 screenshot where the Project roles of Jira are listed and Administartor role persist there).Just add Administrator role to your list

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    the problem is that you are looking for project roles in a dropdown list that contains user fields. In JIRA the author of a comment can't be a project role, but a particular user. Comments can also be anonymous, but never can be created by a community of users, like a project role or a group. That's the reason why you only can user select fields in parameter Author.

    This is not a bug, but characteristic of JIRA.

    In your particular JIRA instance you have a User Picker custom field called "System Administrator", and this fact seems to have led you wrong.

  6. FatimaM reporter

    You can add feature like default member of Project role as you used in another post-function,that will be very useful.And in my case how do you suggest me to solve the issue?

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can do in two steps:

    1) Use "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function with the following configuration:

    • Target field: Ephemeral string 1
    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed: defaultUserForRole("Administrators")

    2) Use post-function "Add a comment" selecting Ephemeral string 1 at parameter Author.

    The final configuration will look similar to this:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-05-13 a las 14.32.33.png

    You will need to use version "2.2.12_beta_5 in order to be able to select Ephemeral string 1 in parameter Author.

    As a workaround, in case you can't use a beta version in your production environment, you can create an auxiliary User Picker custom field and use it instead of "Ephemeral string 1.

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