Issue with Execute Transition

Issue #320 resolved
Adolfo Casari created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I am having an issue with postfunction Write field on linked issues or subtasks.


This was not performing the transition in all linked issues. Only in some of them.

But this wasn't happening in all issues, in some it worked OK, in only one I run into this problem. After several tests and checking that there was nothing wrong I changed to Execute transition (delayed execution) - and then the problem was gone (now the issue with the problem has all its linked issues transitioned). I have been using this for a long time and never had this problem.

This is JIRA 6.4.9

Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Adolfo,

    Can you please attach screenshots of conditions, validators and post-functions tabs of transition A control de cambio?

    Is it possible that you send me the log file, or the part of it related with the failure?

  2. Adolfo Casari reporter



    This is a sample, all other issues's transition are quite similar. In Jira's log I don't see any error from JWT while this happens. I am keeping delayed execution in production to see what happens. Please let me know what else you need to see.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    Can you please check integrity in your JIRA server, and let me know if you find something wrong?

  4. Adolfo Casari reporter

    Just a Duplicate Permission, but that didn't fix the issue, only changing to delayed did.

  5. Adolfo Casari reporter

    Hi Fidel, I haven't run across this problem anymore. I updated to 2.2.11 (but kept delayed in the postfunction). I close this one. Thanks for your support.

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