Create an issue automatically in different project

Issue #322 resolved
Seher Sönmezsoy created an issue


I want to create an issue in different project (project2), if I close my task in project 1, For Example I have a project Application Tracking and Onboarding, if the task goes in Status 'done', I want to create automatically a new task in Onboarding with the summary of task in Project 1 and link the issues. How can I do it?

I want do the same, if I clone an issue and have a cloned issue in it. The process clone, should create new Tasks in the project, where the linked issues are.

Task 1 relates to Task2,Task 3 I clone Task 1(it should be Task4) and want clone Task 2 as Task 5 and Task 3 as Task 6 with the same summary and subtasks. It should automatically creating links between them.

Comments (11)

  1. Seher Sönmezsoy reporter

    Hello Fidel,

    thank you for the information :) So I don't need to try it any more, until Workflow Box can do this. I will plan it to next Releases of our Jira.

    Thanks again.

    Best regards,


  2. Praneel Redlapalle

    Hello Seher,

    This functionality would be very useful for my organisation as well. Any ETA by when this might be implemented?

    Thanks, Praneel

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Praneel,

    I think I might have a beta version available at the end of next week, and the functionality will be released in a month approximately.



  4. Praneel Redlapalle

    Hi Fidel,

    I had assumed that this plugin was available for the Cloud version of Jira as well. But unfortunately, it seems not. Any chance this plugin to be available on Cloud?

    Regards, Praneel

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry, it isn't. Current REST API is too limited to implement the plugin in Cloud.

  6. Praneel Redlapalle

    Given the new pricing models introduced by Atlassian, the set of features offered by your plugin could be of real value to a lot of organisations out there. Would be great if the add-on could be ported to work with the Cloud version. I am pretty sure there are tons of other organisations just like mine looking for workarounds like this to cut the costs imposed by Atlassian.

    Thanks for answering all my queries.

    All the best!


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