Set assignee based on custom field (select list)

Issue #325 resolved
Seher Sönmezsoy created an issue

Hello Fidel,

in one project I have a post-funtion to add values in my option List. Value of field Summary will be added as a new option to Select List (single choice) custom field Carrier Name, then options will be alphabetically ordered. In case option already exists, nothing will be done.

In the other projets, I want to set my assignee based on the select list.

Can I set a post-funtion : Add Parameters To Function with Add Parameters To Function Add required parameters to the Function.

Field to be checked for matching with type 1 setting rules: Carrier Name - [Select List (single choice)]

Target field to be set: Assignee - [User]

and rules with if and then.

I mean something like that: if %{10700}=“42com International Inc.” then assignee='username' if....

Shall I do it for all options or can't it work.

Eample: Best regards,


Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Try using "Set a field as a function of other fields" with a configuration similar to this one:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-05-24 a las 14.40.54.png

    Setting rules are:

    L(42com International Inc.)peter.pan
    L(Banque of the Moon Inc.)mary.hide
    L(Fruits and More S.A.)linda.jolly

    Prefix L is used to force conditional part of setting rules to be evaluated as a literal value, instead of as a regular expression.

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