Unable to get linked issue to progress through workflow

Issue #35 resolved
Former user created an issue

I've been following the example in the wiki at https://bitbucket.org/fcarmario/jira-workflow-toolbox/wiki/amazing/Make%20Linked%20Issues%20and%20Subtasks%20Progress%20through%20its%20Workflows to try to create a situation in which when I resolve an issue, issues that it is linked to by a trigger (user created link) will advance to the In Progress status. As far as I can tell the settings are all correct,yet when I try to trigger the change, nothing happens. Any advice would be welcome, I'm using this on trial at the moment, but this is a feature we'd really like for my work, so if I can get it to work it's something we'd have to purchase.

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Can you please attach a screenshot of the transition configuration (only post-functions tab is needed)?

    You have to ensure that all conditions and validators of the transitions that will be executed to move linked issues to In Progress status are satisfied. For example, if you have a condition for allowing only the assignee to see the transition Start Progress, you won't be able to execute that transition unless the user resolving current issue has also assigned its linked issues. Perhaps you need to tune a bit conditions in your workflow.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    That configuration is correct, and will make that all issues in status Open and triggered by current issue will be moved to status In Progress, provided all conditions and validators of the transition from Open to In Progress in the workflow of linked issues are satisfied.

    Can you please attach a screenshot with the "Conditions" tab and the "Validations" tab of transition from Open to In Progress in the workflow of linked issues?

    Have you tried with target field Issue status?

  3. Dave Spaar

    There's only one condition for the Open to In Progress transition in the workflow, which is "Only users with Assignable User permission can execute this transition." There are no validations.

    I had tried previously with the Issue Status as the target field, which is what prompted me to report the failure of the trigger. Then before I had read your request for the first screen shot I updated the post function to use the Issue Status (delayed writing) option. Neither has worked, I'm sorry to say.

    Thank you for helping with this, I hope there's a resolution because the basic idea is really cool!

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    The problem is that you are using "Ephemeral number 1" instead of "Ephemeral string 1" in second post-function ("Write field on linked issues or subtasks").

  5. Dave Spaar


    Yep that was totally it! Thanks so much for helping me out, sorry it was such an obvious error...

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