Copy attachments from subtask to parant

Issue #355 resolved
Patrick Schuh [brainbits] created an issue

I tried to copy all attachments of a subtask to its oarant using a subtask's transition post function. That's what I configured:

"The following text parsed in basic mode will be copied to Parent's attachments (only new attachments will be added): %{Attachments} This feature will be run as user in field Current user."

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Use the following configuration:

    • Target field: Parent's attachments (only new attachments will be added)
    • Parsing mode: basic
    • Text to be parsed:

    note that %{00015} is field code for Issue key. When we write a text with an issue key into field Attachments ..., the attachments of the issue with written issue key will be copied.

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