Transition can't be executed due to condition not satisfied

Issue #361 resolved
Charles Szmagara created an issue

Hi Fidel,

What seemed to be a simple read on linked issue and write on linked issue transition, turned into a nightmare. Simply speaking, I can't get a transition to fire off as the following error occurs:

2016-06-30 14:32:01,107 Timer-24 DEBUG charles.szmagara 872x50953x1 s98wsy,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /secure/CreateIssueDetails.jspa [c.f.j.p.workflowToolbox.shared.IssueTransitionManager] *** TRANSITION "Read linked issues" ON ISSUE CC-697 AT STATUS "Open", CAN'T BE EXECUTED DUE TO CONDITION NOT SATISFIED. DETAILS: It seems that you have tried to perform a workflow operation (Read linked issues) that is not valid for the current state of this issue (CC-697). 
The likely cause is that somebody has changed the issue recently, please look at the issue history for details.

The transition "Read linked issues" (from Open to Open status) is fired off via create transition having a post function "execute transition (delayed execution)".

Create transition is initiated either by user or by Exocet add-on, but in both cases it fails. I tried moving execute transition to different positions in the execution order, but every single time I got the same error. Only in a case when it was moved to the last position, I did not get the error, but then the transition didn't do anything. Attaching screenshots for visual reference. Read linked issues can only be executed by workflow (Condition to hide a transition from the user. The transition can only be triggered from a workflow function.)

Comments (8)

  1. Charles Szmagara reporter

    Please note that I have also tried delaying the execution by 2, 5 and 7 seconds. Same results.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Charles,

    Please, attach a screenshot of condition's tab of "Read linked issues" transition. I want to see all the conditions in that transition.

    Please, pass JIRA integrity checker, and let me know if you find something wrong.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Charles, you should use the following condition, instead of the one you are currently using: "Transition is triggered by JIRA Workflow Toolbox post-function".

  4. Charles Szmagara reporter


    It's working now. I knew it had to be something stupid... wrong, incompatible condition...

    As usual, thank you for your extraordinary support!

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