Compatible with nFeed plugin?

Issue #362 resolved
Elvir DLN created an issue


So I have a project A. In project A, a nfeed field is selecting the assignee on a specific issue from project B.

How ever, nfeed is returning a numeric value (e.g 22345), although it displays the right value.

in Project A, would it be possible to copy the value from the nfeed field and target it in the assignee field (during a post-function)

Thanks for your help

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry, for the delay in my response.

    Which kind of custom field did you created: nFeed or nFeed - User?

    Can you please attach a screenshot with custom field's configuration?

    Which kind of datasource are you using?

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have managed to configure a nFeed - User custom field and make it return the user name (unlike a numeric value in your case) when read with JIRA Workflow Toolbox post-functions like "Copy a parsed text to a field".

    Writing a valid user name into field "Assignee" using JIRA Workflow Toolbox will set assignee in any issue.

    In order to know what is your problem I need details on your custom field configuration, the data source and the post-functions you are using for setting assignee.

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