Not possible to make transition with REST

Issue #383 resolved
Vidic Florjan created an issue

Hi Fidel,

We are using Validation Only if the following boolean expression is true: !isInGroup(%{Current user}, "jira-administrators") IMPLIES trim(%{Transition's comment}) != "" Message to show when validation fails: "A Comment must be provided during the transition.".

It works as expected if you use jira wirh web browser (user can make transition with provided comment).

On the other hand it is not possible to make transition with provided comment by REST if you are not in group jira-administrator. What we are trying to do with REST: METOD: POST URL: Body: {"transition":{"id":"3"}, "update":{"comment": [{"add":{"body":"Testing comment"}}] } }

Result: { "errorMessages": [ "A Comment must be provided during the transition." ], "errors": {} }

Best regards, Florjan Vidic

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