Unable to remove watchers from watchers field

Issue #386 on hold
Atlassian Administrator created an issue

Hi Fidel

Ive been working with Atlassian Support on an issue our company is experiencing. They were able to supply SQL to fix the existing issues however this doesn't address the cause.

The issue we are having is that when a user or users are added to the watchers field using the JIRA Workflow Toolbox via the "Add or remove watchers" or "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-functions using values from held in a custom field the function is successful however those users now cannot be removed from the watchers field.

Creates something similar to this KB the SQL at the very bottom fixes any currently affected issues: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/unable-to-edit-watchers-for-an-issue-317948606.html

Any help addressing this is much appreciated thanks

Jira Software 7.0.10

Comments (15)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    The problem seems to be caused by a bug in JIRA 7.x API. I detected the problem on 29th September 2015 while working on migration to JIRA 7, and created issue JRA-45574, but Atlassian closed the issue because they were not able to reproduce the problem.

    Have you created an issue at Atlassian support? In that case, please provide me the URL to it. I will link it to the one I created, and will try to reopen it.


  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I don't have permission to view the issue. Can you please give me permission, or ask Atlassian to give it to me?

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I keep without permission to watch the issue. I close the issue. Please, reopen it if you need further support.

  4. Atlassian Administrator reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Fidel

    Apologies i have been away, i have asked atlassian to add you and they said they have now. please let me know if any further issues much thanks.

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have updated issue JRA-45574 explaining exactly how to reproduce the problem, and have attached a video-demonstration of the issue. I have also reported this update at GHS-45491.

  6. Radek Janata

    I'm experiencing the same issue when using "Set a field as a function of other fields".

    The following DOES NOT work (it's not possible to remove watchers then): Target field to be set: Watcher Setting rules: [true]+username

    The following DOES work: Target field to be set: New watchers Setting rules: [true]username

    When I experienced this issue for the first time, I was able to resolve it by installing Watcher Custom Field for JIRA add-on (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.burningcode.jira.issue.customfields.impl.jira-watcher-field/server/overview), create its Watchers custom field and remove it via this new field.

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Radek,

    It's a bug (JRA-35622) alteady verified by Atlassian, but still pending to be fixed.

    I'm afraid that the only thing we can do is to vote and make comments on the issue, in order to draw some Atlassian's attention to it.

  8. Radek Janata

    Unfortunately, my statement above (The following DOES work: Target field to be set: New watchers Setting rules: [true]username) is not true either. It sometimes work and sometimes not.

    Thanks for your reply, Fidel, I've just voted that Atlassian issue.

  9. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I move the issue to on hold status, since it depends on Atlassian's fixing a bug on JIRA.

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