deafult value depending of selected value on cascading field

Issue #391 resolved
Michael shechter created an issue

Hi fidel, i have cascading custom fileld "create external issue". i want to create a post function that if on the first level the value will be " x" and on the second level the value will be"None" the value on the second level will be z

please see screenshot attached.

thank you

Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Michael,

    Use any of the following setting rules in "Set a field as a function of other fields":

    1) Type 1 setting rule:

    (valueLevel1 - )valueLevel1, defaultValueLevel2

    2) Type 2 setting rule:

    [%{14613.0} = "valueLevel1" AND %{14613.1} = null]valueLevel1, defaultValueLevel2

    replacing strings valueLevel1 and defaultValueLevel2 with the corresponding options in cascading select field.

  2. Michael shechter reporter

    Hi Fidel, Thank you. It's working very well with English but it doesn't work when I try it with Hebrew. Can I use the cascading field Id (OptionId13849, selectedValue=15101)

    Thank you.

    בברכה מיכאל שכטר | צוות בקרה | מטה אגף מערכות מידע | איילון חברה לביטוח טלפון: 072-2227393| E-mail:

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have managed to implement successfully the behavior you describe using "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function with a configuration similar to the one shown in the following screenshot:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-08-11 a las 10.26.22.png Captura de pantalla 2016-08-11 a las 10.26.48.png

    I have used the hebrew characters in your signature, and my example obviously doesn't make sense. Sorry, for that, but I can't read Hebrew.

  4. Michael shechter reporter

    Hi, Sorry but I reported a wrong version. my version is 2.2.8. I don't see the conditional execution section.

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Use "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function with the following configuration:

    • Target field: cascading select custom field
    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed:
    (%{nnnnn.0} = "level_0_value" AND %{nnnnn.1} = null) ? "level_0_value, level_1_value" : %{nnnnn.0} + ", " + %{nnnnn.1}


    • nnnnn with field code of cascading select custom field.
    • level_0_value is the value of the first level in the cascading select field.
    • level_1_value is the default value of the second level when first level is level_0_value.
  6. Michael shechter reporter

    Thank you very much !!

    בברכה מיכאל שכטר | צוות בקרה | מטה אגף מערכות מידע | איילון חברה לביטוח טלפון: 072-2227393| E-mail:

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