Copy a parsed text to a field issue

Issue #392 resolved
Itamar Ben-Sinai created an issue

Hi, I have an issue with the above post function I need to check the following boolean condition on checkboxes, and it does not work %{10402} = "Mobile website" and %{10402} = "Desktop website"

using "or" it does work %{10402} = "Mobile website" or %{10402} = "Desktop website"

Please advise Thanks

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    As %{10402} is a checkbox, it can contain more than one value at the same time. If you want to check that a multivalued field contains certain option you should use operator ~.

    Try the following boolean expression:

    %{10402} ~ "Mobile website" AND %{10402} ~ "Desktop website"

    the following boolean expression is also equivalent:

    "Mobile website" in %{10402} AND "Desktop website" in %{10402}
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