Ability to mention user in add a comment post-function

Issue #405 resolved
ME created an issue

Please add the ability to mention user in add a comment post-function.

Currently it will display the username with the @ symbol beforehand.


Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Moshe,

    That functionality already exists. You can insert field codes with format %{nnnnn} in your email's body, and they will be replaced with its corresponding value at runtime. Like shown in the screenshot:


    This is the result of an execution example:


    If you are not getting the expected value replacement for Assignee or Reporter, please check whether the issue has these fields set. Maybe your issue is unassigned or has no reporter.

  2. ME reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    I'm aware of this, however this just adds the name and not as a profile link as when you do it with an '@' + username in a comment that sends an Issue Mentioned email.

    This is what I get doing as you mentioned above:


    This is what you get when it's an issue mention:


  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Try using this syntax:


    Like in this example: Captura de pantalla 2016-09-02 a las 20.13.28.png

    You should get something like: Captura de pantalla 2016-09-02 a las 20.14.54.png

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