Issues created while plugin disabled probblem

Issue #412 resolved
ME created an issue

Hi Fidel,

At one time we had the workflow toolbox plugin disabled for a few hours. All issues that were created by our mail handler at the time cannot be transitioned. The status is new without any available transitions that should usually be there.

At this time we just want to close them out as they have all been resolved, however I had no success when trying to do so with the 3 options below:

  1. I could not close them via a bulk update.

  2. I could not transition them by creating a new transition now.

  3. I could not close them via an automation with an event.

Please let me know if there you got any idea how we can fix those issues.

Thanks in advance

Best regards, Moshe

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Moshe,

    Please, try executing JIRA Integrity Checker on your JIRA instance. Let me know if you find any inconsistency. You can fix the inconsistencies you find using this same tool.

    If you don't solve the problem with my previous advice, please, attach an XML export of the workflow, and tell me the status where problematic issues currently are.

  2. ME reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Integrity Checker crashes when I run it.

    Please find XML attached.

    The issues are all stuck in NEW, the first status when created.

    Thanks for your assistance.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Moshe,

    If Integrity Checker is crashing maybe you a big problem in your JIRA instance. I think you should contact JIRA support in order to find out why is this happening.

    On the other hand, you should move "Send an email" post-function before "Fire a Issue Created event that can be processed by the listeners." post-function, since the event triggers the email sending. But it doesn't have nothing to do with the problem you have with stuck issues.

  4. ME reporter

    As per Atlassian it's a timeout issue that we are working on resolving.

    In any case, I was able to resolve the issue by just checking "Check workflow entry states are correct" on it's own.

    Thanks for your assistance.

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