How to reference an Insight attribute in the "Copy a Parsed Text to a Field" post function

Issue #415 closed
Marc Watkins created an issue

I am trying to figure out how to reference an attribute of an insight object (Insight for JIRA) and can't figure it out.

I see that you mention providing support for Insight in 2.2.16 but cannot find any documentation on how to do it

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Marc,

    The support is for reading and setting Insight - Asset Management for JIRA custom fields. When a custom field is read, the name of the object is returned, but there is no support for reading specific attributes of an object.

    You can use any feature of the plugin that allows to read and set fields.

    For example, you can use "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function for composing texts that contain values of Insight's custom fields. To do it you simply have to insert the field codes of those custom fields in the text to be parsed.

    You can use "Copy a parsed text to a field" or "Set a field as a function of other fields" post-functions for setting Insight's custom fields. In this case you have to select the Insight's custom field in parameter Target field and use the name of Insight objects as value.

  2. Marc Watkins Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks for the information. I decided to cast the insight attribute to a hidden text field, then parse the hidden field to concatenate the summary field I was trying to create.

    Since I need to do this whenever any of the concatenated fields gets changed, I created a global looping transition to take the post functions then tied it to an automation script that runs whenever the issue is updated.


  3. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia]

    Hi Marc

    What do you mean by "cast the insight attribute to a hidden text field"? We also have a similar need to get the insight object attributes values.


  4. Marc Watkins Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Aggelos,

    You can use the insight post function to copy the attribute value out to a field that is hidden from the user (via the field configuration), then I can use the hidden field as part of the summary concatenation during the rest of the post function.


  5. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia]

    Hi Marc,

    thanks for this. I figured this out myself after digging a bit on Riada's doco. The PF works for us too, however it would be nice to have it under toolbox's belt, avoiding the need for the hidden fields (and storage), just use it on the fly.


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