Validation error text on Customer portal

Issue #417 resolved
Saida Aslanova created an issue

Hi Fidel, Workflow toolbox plugin and Extension / Actions by InTENSO are installed on our instance. We use Actions for the portal and faced with such a limitation: boolean validator doesnt return error's text on the customer portal (Not on create, but on other transitions).

For example: We have a workflow, which is linked with Incident and Service request issue types. On some transition customer needs to choose a date (date picker).

Now, I need the following: For Incident this date cannot be more than 2 weeks later from the current date, but for Service request we dont need a restriction. If validation fails, I want system to return some text, for example "Chosen date can not be more than 14 days later from today." which would be shown on the portal for customer, too.

Validator works as we need in Core, but if the transition is shown on the portal with Actions, error text is not showing. Moreover, the system doesnt return anything to show that there is incorrect data in the field: it just refreshes the page.

Could you please help with this issue or confirm, that this does not depend on your plugin? Thanks a lot.

Comments (9)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    This is a problem of JSD. I reported it in JSD-3647 and was fixed in version 3.2.0.

    You have to update JSD to 3.2.0 in order to solve the problem.

  2. Saida Aslanova reporter

    In FixVersions mentioned 3.1.8 release, too, and we dont have such problems on create screen. The problem is with the rest of transitions, which are shown on the portal with the other plugin. There is absolutely the same validator on this transition and unlike in Core, validation error doesnt appear on the portal.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry Saida, I assumed the problem was the same as in the issue.

    I will try to reproduce the problem, but I'm almost sure that the problem is not caused by JIRA Workflow Toolbox. I will try to determine whether the problem depends on JSD itself, or on Extensions / Actions add-on, and will report it to Atlassian or Intenso.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Saida,

    Sorry for the delay in my response. I have tried to reproduce the problem using JIRA 7.1.9, JSD 3.1.9, JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.21 and Actions for JIRA Service Desk 1.2.5, and in my case the validation message is shown in the customer portal. Look at the screenshot: Captura de pantalla 2016-10-11 a las 13.20.23.png

    the validation configuration is:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-10-11 a las 13.26.07.png

    I think that you should be using an older version of Actions for JIRA Service Desk. Try updating it to the most recent version, please.

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