Issues with Validation/Condition

Issue #424 resolved
Ben Richman created an issue

Hi there Fidel!

Cannot figure out how to do the following and i'm hoping your plugin can help.

On Transition "Ready for Testing" i want to make sure people have set issuetype "Bug Sub-Task" to status "Fixed" when the bug sub task priority is "critical" or "Major" but to skip validation on the bugs that are priority "Trivial".

There could be 2 bug sub tasks on one ticket, one Critical and one Trivial. The trivial one can be open and this is not a problem to transition the issue, but i want to make sure the Critical/Major one is set to "Fixed".

Can you please help!

Many Thanks.

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Ben,

    Use "Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms" validator in transition "Ready for Testing" of parent's workflow with the following boolean expression:

    count(filterByPredicate(subtasks(), ^%{00016} != "Fixed" AND ^%{00017} in ["Critical", "Major"])) = 0

    Note that:

    • ^%{00016} is field code of Issue status in subtasks.
    • ^%{00017} is field code of Priority in subtasks.
  2. Ben Richman reporter

    This is blocking tickets which have not got any Bug Sub-Tasks on from going into test now

  3. Ben Richman reporter

    Bug Sub-Tasks are raised to show what was found during its first round of testing, if a ticket has never been tested, there are no bug sub-tasks and yet tickets are failing validation for this rule when they have none.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I forgot to include the issue type in the validation. Try this boolean expression:

    count(filterByPredicate(subtasks(), ^%{00014} = "Bug Sub-Task" AND ^%{00016} != "Fixed" AND ^%{00017} in ["Critical", "Major"])) = 0

    I'm assuming that "Bug Sub-Task" are not linked issues, but sub-tasks.

  5. Ben Richman reporter

    Yeah that is right, that seems to have done the trick, thanks so much as always for your help Fidel, love your work man.

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