Copy value from Issues in Epic to Epic screen

Issue #425 closed
Bharath Kumar created an issue

Below is the structure

Epic |_Issues in Epic |_Sizing Story Component Story

So Sizing story and Component Story are two issues that are inside the epic

Now I have a field called Us Sizing inside "Sizing Story" after a particular transition I want to get the same value in the epic(with the same field name), meaning the same field
Us Sizing should appear both in Epic and Sizing story after that particular transition.

Please help me how can we do this

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Then use "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" post-function with the following configuration:

    • Source type: field in current issue
    • Source value: Us Sizing
    • Target field: Us Sizing
    • Filtering by issue link type: has Epic
    • Write also subtasks...: UNCHECKED
    • Write also sibling subtasks...: UNCHECKED
    • Filtering by issue type: Epic
    • Filtering by status: ALL UNCHECKED
    • Linked issues or subtasks belong to: any project
    • Filtering by field values: LEAVE EMPTY
    • Write linked issues and subtasks recursively: UNCHECKED
  2. Bharath Kumar reporter

    Thank you Fidel again for the quick response that helps and its working, closing the issue

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