Linked issue validation dependent on a resolution code of parent ticket

Issue #428 resolved
Charles Szmagara created an issue

Hi Fidel,

Long time no see :+1:

I am running out of options here, hence my support request for you. What I am trying to achieve with your add-on is to: - verify if any linked issue exists with specific link type, any issue type, any status, any resolution for a very specific resolution of a parent ticket (not a linked in one)

At this stage I have no other validations other than the workflow toolbox one: screen1.PNG I am transitioning to a Resolved Status, so need to make sure that any issues that are resolved as duplicate have a duplicate link set up.

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Charles,

    Nice to have news from you :)

    What you are trying to implement is something like a conditional validation, i.e., apply the validation only when resolution is "Duplicate". Parameter "Filtering by field values" can't be used for that purpose, but for filtering the linked issues by their field values. In short, it's not possible to implement that validation using "Validation on linked issues"

    Anyway, you can implement your validation using "Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms" with the following boolean expression:

    %{00028} = "Duplicate" IMPLIES count(linkedIssues("duplicates")) > 0

    where %{00028} is field code for Resolution.

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