Change the linked issues summary on changing the Epic name

Issue #435 closed
Bharath Kumar created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I am already using a add-on to create a set of linked issues on creation of the epic and the summary of the epic is carried over to the linked issues of that epic.

Let say the summary of the epic is "Sample Summary" and it has 2 components selected one "component1" and "component2" so now the linked issues in the epic will have the summarys like this

1)Sizing for Sample Summary 2)componet1 task for Sample Summary 3)componet2 task for Sample Summary

let say I change the summary to "Change Sample Summary" and hit a transition the the summary of the linked issues should also change which should now show as

1)Sizing for Change Sample Summary 2)componet1 task for Change Sample Summary 3)componet2 task for Change Sample Summary

could you please guide me if this can be done with your add-on

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Bharath,

    You should add to a transition in Epic's workflow "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" post-function with the following configuration:

    conf-0.png conf-1.png conf-2.png conf-3.png conf-4.png conf-5.png

    Parameter Source value... is:

    first(findPattern(^%{00000}, "(^Sizing for )|(^.*task for )")) + %{00000}

    Parameter Filtering by field values is:

    count(findPattern(^%{00000}, "(^Sizing for )|(^.*task for )")) > 0

    Note that %{00000} is field code for Summary.

  2. Bharath Kumar reporter

    Thank you so much Field that post function really worked like a charm.

    I have one more task

    Whenever the linked issues are created under the epic there are also subtask created under one of the linked issue which is under the issue type "Sizing Story" and these subtasks under the sizing story also inherit the summary of the epic so when ever I change the summary of the epic it should also reflect in the subtask under sizing story.

    they are of this pattern

    lets say we have selected component1 and component2 in the epic then the subtasks under the sizing story will be of the pattern

    1) component1 Sizing for Summary 2)component2 Sizing for Summary

    how can this be achieved at the same time for both linked issues and subtasks under sizing story

  3. Bharath Kumar reporter

    I did figure out the solution Sir, thank you I did check the check boxes for both

    1) Write also subtasks fulfilling condition on issue type, status and project

    2)Write linked issues and subtasks recursively

    and did changes to the configuration like

    first(findPattern(^%{00000}, "(^Sizing for )|(^.task for )|(^.Sizing for )")) + %{00000}

    count(findPattern(^%{00000}, "(^Sizing for )|(^.task for )|(^.Sizing for )")) > 0

    and it is working

    Thank you so much for the immediate support Fidel

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