Creating email notification on cloned comment

Issue #438 resolved
Nathaniel Erlandson created an issue

I've recently set up clone comments using your methods described here:

The process is working, however, I am noticing an email notification is not being sent to the user when the cloned comment is created. I'm curious, is there any way for me to create a notification there? Possibly through the global reflexive transition's postfunction?

Comments (9)

  1. Nathaniel Erlandson reporter

    Thanks for the quick reply Fidel, I am on 2.2.20 and see the update for 2.2.23, should I update?

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Yes, please. Do the following:

    1. Update to 2.2.23
    2. Set target field to "New comment (sends email notifications)".
  3. Nathaniel Erlandson reporter

    Much easier than I thought it would be! Thanks so much, Fidel.

    Nate Erlandson Tech Services United States Cold Storage 201 Laurel Rd Voorhees, NJ

  4. Nathaniel Erlandson reporter
    • changed status to open

    Just one last question, sorry. I'm assuming I can't set this for both projects? Eg, have the global reflexive clone comment step in both projects, so that comments can be cloned from either project to the other? Mainly curious about getting around the recursive loop I'm assuming would occur if both projects are firing the issue commented notification.

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can avoid the infinite loop using "New comment" as target field, instead of "New comment (sends email notifications)", since this way no event is triggered.

    In that case you might use "Send an email" post-function to notify the new comment.

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