Doesn't work post-function "Set a field as a function of other fields"

Issue #448 resolved
mgorokhova created an issue


I use a post-function "Set a field as a function of other fields" and from september this function doesn't work. I think that it's after updating. U don't have any errors in log. I use this function to change due date depending on priority. I change priority and due date changes autimatocally. It worked earlier . But now due date doesn't change. I use JIRA Workflow Toolbox ver . 2.2.26, but it started from previous version.

I attached screenshot with my settings . Maybe I should change something.

Thank you!

Comments (12)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    The screenshot you have attached is of a quite old version since it lacks "Check Syntax" button and cursor position information.

    I recommend you to update to version 2.2.26.

    Let's do some debugging. Please, do the following tests:

    TEST 1:

    • 1) Set target field to New comment.

    • 2) Execute once the transition with the post-function, and let me know the comment you have obtained.

    TEST 2:

    • 1) Set target field to New comment.

    • 2) Replace your current setting rules with these ones:

    (Blocker)Blocker Priority: %{00017}
    (Critical)Critical Priority: %{00017}
    (Major)Major Priority: %{00017}
    (Minor)Minor Priority: %{00017}
    (Trivial)Trivial Priority: %{00017}
    • 3) Execute the transition several times with different issue priorities, and share with me the comments you have obtained.
  2. mgorokhova reporter

    I tried and new comment wasn't added. I don't have errors in the log.

    I attached screenshot with my settings. I use version 2.2.26. and JIRA 6.4.3

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Please, try the following modification:

    • 1) Set target field to New comment
    • 2) Setting rules:
    (Blocker)Blocker Priority: %{00017}
    (Critical)Critical Priority: %{00017}
    (Major)Major Priority: %{00017}
    (Minor)Minor Priority: %{00017}
    (Trivial)Trivial Priority: %{00017}
    (.*)Priority: '%{00017}'

    Please, let me know the comment you are obtaining.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    The problem you are experiencing is due to the fact that your priorities are translated, and you are using non-translated values in the setting rule. The values that the plugin uses is the translation for the default language in your server, this way it doesn't depend on the language of the currently logged user.

    Please, replace Blocker, Critical, etc. in your original setting rules, with the corresponding translated names.

  5. mgorokhova reporter

    Thank you a lot! I added translate for priority and now it's ok. Did you add translate with new version?

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    There was a modification on the value returned by Resolution on version 2.1.20, released on 2014-08-15 (quite long time ago).

    Maybe you updated from a very old version of the plugin.

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