How to prevent a subtask from being created if the parent is not is a specific state or beyond

Issue #456 resolved
Bart Gundersen created an issue

We do not want to allow subtasks to be created unless the parent ticket has reached a particular state or beyond. I have read the documentation but do not understand if this is feasible or not - any assistance would be helpful.

Thank you, Bart

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It can be done using validation "Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms" in transition "Create Issue" of subtask's workflow with a boolean expression like any of these:

    %{00042} in ["In Progress", "Resolved", "Closed"]


    %{00042} not in ["Open", "Reopened"]

    In this example I'm assuming that In Progress, Resolved and Closed are the statuses of parent issue that allow creating subtasks, and Open and Reopened are the ones that don't allow to do it.

    Choose the boolean expression that requires to specify less statuses.

    Note that %{00042} is field code for Parent's issue status.

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