Transition not happening on Send Email error when global Outgoing Email is disabled

Issue #460 resolved
Ganesh created an issue

We are using JIRA Software 6.3.10 and JIRA Worflow Toolbox 2.2.25. We are using Send Email functionality in the post function extensively. If global Outgoing Email is disabled it throws an error, transition does't happen and issue stays in the same status. This is creating problem when we move design from one instance to another and setting Condition to false in every Send Email post function will be very hard. Am I missing something or is it possible to check if global Outgoing Email is disabled do not send email and allow transition to continue?

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    I have made a modification in version 2.2.28_beta_2 so that Send an email post-function will do nothing when outgoing emails are disable or not configured, instead of throwing an error like it was doing in previous versions of the add-on.

  2. Ganesh reporter


    Again is it possible to switch on and off Send Email functionality at Project level, similar to what we have for Notification Scheme in project administration? We have multiple projects and multiple environments and disabling outgoing mail will affect other projects testing.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can a project property in order to disable post-function Send an email in certain projects.

    This is the solution step by step:

    1) Set parameter Conditional execution in all Send an email post-functions in your workflows with the following boolean expression:

    projectProperty("disableSendAnEmail") != "true" 

    like shown in the screenshot: Captura de pantalla 2016-12-24 a las 11.48.01.png

    2) In the projects where you want to disable post-function Send an email: edit project description and enter the following text (usually at the end of the description):


    like shown in the screenshot:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-12-24 a las 11.44.21.png

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