Prevent issue from transitioning if a related Epic is not in a specific state

Issue #463 resolved
Bart Gundersen created an issue

Used the following Boolean rule but it is not working (it does not allow me to transition if the EPIC is not in the states in the validation rule):

Only if the following boolean expression is true: %{Epic Status} not in ["New", "Assigned"] Message to show when validation fails: "Parent BTD (Epic) MUST be approved for a Release before this DA can be transitioned to "Ready for QA Code Drop". Please discuss approval with Release Management".

Note that this is the only rule for the issue transition.

Thank you, Bart

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Bart,

    The causes of the problem with your boolean expression are:

    • Custom field "Epic Status" only takes value in Epic issues. This is the behavior of that custom field.
    • Custom field "Epic Status" doesn't show the issue status but status category.

    SOLUTION: Use the following boolean expression instead:

    first(fieldValue(%{00016}, linkedIssues("has Epic"))) not in ["New", "Assigned"]

    Note that %{00016} is field code for Issue status.

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