Cannot set assignee field with seed string in "Create issues" post function

Issue #464 resolved
Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] created an issue

We are having trouble setting the assignee field of new issues with seed string (^%), string list is a list of usernames. See attached screenshot for the definition of the post-function. The seed string works in other places, like setting the summary of created tasks e.g.

%{Issue key} + " - Estimate task for user: " + userFullName(^%)

but fails to set the assignee.

Similar seeding with component list worked for setting the component field in created issues.

Thanks, Aggelos

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    I have done some testing using a configuration similar to yours, using JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.27 and JIRA 7.3.0-EAP, and it works as expected.

    Please, verify that the users you want to assign the issue to have actually permission to get the issue assigned.

  2. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    I've already checked this before submitting the ticket.J We can assign the created issues to the intended users. The permission scheme has a "Any logged in user" to the "Assignable User" permission. I've added also explicit refs to groups and that didn't change anything.

    I've added an extra user picker field and the value is set as expected from the seed value. So it seems like a permission problem but not an evident one.

    Nothing special spotted in the logs. Environment: 2.2.27 and JIRA 7.1.4

  3. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    OK my fault. The workflow was the culprit as it had an "assign to lead developer" post function. False alarm.

    Thanks Fidel.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    By the way, Aggelos, you can simplify your seed string expression to this:

    except(toStringList(%{nnnnn}), distinct(fieldValue(%{00003}, linkedIssues())))

    or this:

    toStringList(%{nnnnn}) EXCEPT distinct(fieldValue(%{00003}, linkedIssues()))

    replacing nnnnn with field code for SMEs.

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