Filter to find all subtasks not closed, of parents with specific criteria

Issue #467 resolved
Bart Gundersen created an issue

Hi Fidel, I am trying to create a filter to find all subtasks (not in a closed state) of parents with specific criteria but my filter does not find any matches. Note from the below filter that: * issuetype = Artifact is the parent * component is the criteria * FilterA is a filter created on the subtasks (project = DA AND issuetype = "Deployment Request" AND status not in ("Deployment Cancelled", "DEPLOYMENT SUCCESSFUL") ORDER BY status ASC)

project = DA AND issuetype = Artifact AND component in ("Claims 2.0 - Claim Web Services", "Claims 2.0 - HPD", "Claims 2.0 - IBR", "Claims 2.0 - TTL") and issueFunction in subTasksOf("filter = FilterA")

As always, your help is much appreciated.

Best Regards, Bart

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Bart,

    subTasksOf() is not a JIRA standard JQL function. I don't know how it works. I think that your question is related with a plugin different from JIRA Workflow Toolbox.

    Are you trying to do an issue selection to be used with a condition, validation or post-function of JIRA Workflow Toolbox? In that case I can provide an alternative way to implement your issue selection, but it will not be valid for creating a JIRA filter.

  2. Bart Gundersen reporter

    Hi Fidele, Yes, I would like to solve using the JIRA Workflow Toolbox. I selected subTasksof as I saw another person solve for it and noted that it was from the JIRA Workflow Toolbox - apologies.

    If you are still able to assist I would appreciate it.

    Best Regards, Bart

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Exactly what do you want to do with the filter? Implement a validator or condition, set a field in selected issues.

    Please, explain in detail what you intend to do. In case of a validator or condition, tell me the behavior you expect.

  4. Bart Gundersen reporter

    Hi Fidel, I wanted to have the ability to use the results in a dashboard. If the JIRA Workflow Toolbox is not the tool do use for this please let me know.

    Thank you, Bart

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry Bart, JIRA Workflow Toolbox doesn't provide features to be build filters. You will need to use a plugin that provides the necessary JQL functions to select the issues you need.

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