Conditional execution dont work with herbew

Issue #473 resolved
Michael shechter created an issue

Hi fidel, i try to create post funcation on the create Transition that copy date form jira "due date" field to Date Picker field type. i used "Mathematical or date-time expression calculator Function" and i worked fine until i try to add a Conditional execution on the issue type. the post funcation didnt when the issue type was in hebrew when i change to other issue type in english it worked just fine. can create Conditional execution that search issue type By issue id ?

thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Michael,

    The parser of the plugin uses Unicode, thus text strings with hebrew characters are supported.

    The string value returned by virtual field Issue type (%{00014}) is the translation for the default language in the JIRA instance. This way the value returned by the field doesn't depend on the language of current user's profile.

    I would like to know the value that field %{00014} is returning for the issue type with name in hebrew. To do it use post-function "Copy a parsed text to a field" with the following configuration:

    • Target field: New comment
    • Parsing mode: basic
    • Text to be parsed:
    Issue type: '%{00014}'

    Please, let me know the comment you obtain for that particular issue type.

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