Change EPIC State based on the States of its linked issues

Issue #476 resolved
Bart Gundersen created an issue

For certain transitions, when an issue state changes I would like to be able to change the state of its EPIC link. But only if all other linked issues have also transitioned to a specific state.

Thank you for your help! Bart

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Bart,

    You can do it writing into virtual field "Issue status" (the name of a status) or "Execute transition" (the name of a transition) of Epic using Write field on linked issues or subtasks post-function from issue's workflow.

    Let's suppose we want to move Epic automatically to Resolved status when all its tasks are moved to Resolved or Closed status. To do it we will insert post-function Write field on linked issues or subtasks into "Resolve Issue" transition of task's workflow with the following configuration:

    conf-0.png conf-1.png conf-2.png conf-3.png conf-4.png conf-5.png

    Parameter Conditional execution uses the following boolean expression:

    count(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic"))) = count(filterByStatus(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Resolved, Closed")) + 1

    Once configured, post-function will look like this:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-01-04 a las 0.24.29.png

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