Restrict creation of sub-tasks to only certain Issuetypes?

Issue #477 resolved
Will created an issue

If possible, I think the set up would be similar to this:

We have three sub-task issuetypes. Two of those should only be used in correspondence with the Bug issuetype. The third should be used only with the Feature Request issuetype.


Thanks, Will

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I assume that you are sharing the same workflow for the 3 sub-task types.

    You can do it by inserting Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms into transition "Create Issue" of sub-task's workflow with the following boolean expression:

    %{00014} in ["subtask_type_1", "subtask_type_2"] IMPLIES %{00040} = "Bug" AND %{00014} = "subtask_type_3" IMPLIES %{00040} = "Feature Request"

    replacing subtask_type_1, subtask_type_2 and subtask_type_3 with the 3 different sub-task types.

    Be careful to write the names of the issue types respecting the case.

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