userFullName not display name

Issue #483 resolved
TGCD created an issue


In my workflow, in the Created , I have the current value userFullName(%{nnnn}) supposed to copy the content in the Summary of the Jira ticket.

The nnnn is a single picker value.

But it didn't displays the userFullName, just the string. Exemple: John Doe is selected in the userpicker the string is "jdoe"

then it displays in the summary of my Jira Ticket:


using Jira 6.3 and V2.2.28

Comments (6)

  1. TGCD reporter

    Yes, I want to update the "summary" automatically after the creation.

    (See printscreen.)

    what are the string I need to use in the "Copy a parsed text to a field " ?

    thanks for your support

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You should use ADVANCED parsing mode. Now, you are using basic parsing mode, which doesn't allow you to use functions.

    If you want to append the Client demandeur to original summary, use the following text expression:

    %{00000} + " - " + userFullName(%{nnnnn})

    replacing nnnnn with field code of Client demandeur custom field.

    I also recommend you to move "Copy a parsed text to a field" to 2nd place in execution order.

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