Create issues and subtasks Post-function and JIRA Service Desk Automation

Issue #484 resolved
TechTimeS created an issue


I am using JIRA Service Desk 3.2.3 and JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.28

I have a JIRA Service Desk project that requires a new issue to be created on transition. This new issue has only a few of the same fields of the current issue.

In the Service Desk, there is an automation on Create, to transition issues when they meet certain criteria. This is using the build in Automation feature in Service Desk.

If I create an issue normally, the Create triggers the Automation, if I create an issue on transition, it creates the issue but the Automation is never triggered. Everything else in the newly created issue is exactly as it should be.

It is like a new issue is created but is not recognised by Service Desk as newly created.

Are you able to help?


Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Nikki,

    I have managed to reproduce the problem. It seems that the "Issue Created" event is not being catched by JSD automation rules.

    Anyway, we can implement the automatic transition triggering in "Create issues and subtasks" post-function itself.

    Please, describe in detail the automation rule (conditions and the transition to be triggered), and I will give you the configuration to implement it in the post-function.

  2. TechTimeS Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Thank you for such a prompt response.

    The automation rule itself is very basic.

    WHEN - Issue Created IF - issuetype=document AND status=Registered THEN - Transition issue - Activate the document

    If I set the field Execute Transition, I can bypass the JSD automation all together.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Nikki,

    When you configure "Create issues and subtasks" post-function you select a single issue type, and by default new issues are created in the initial status of the workflow.

    2 Questions:

    1. Are you creating a Document issue type?
    2. Is 'Registered' the initial status of Document's workflow?
  4. TechTimeS Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Yes and Yes.

    I just added the field Execute Transition and parsed the transition name.

    It worked perfectly!

    Thank you so much for an amazing Add-on

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