userEmail(string user) : string Only Works With Single User

Issue #485 resolved
Greg Brailsford created an issue

Hello Fidel,

I love your addon and use it all the time.

We are working on pulling the watchers email address and putting them in a custom field "Carbon Copy"

I am using the following in a postfunction copy parsed text to field.


Where 00133 = Watchers.

This is working when I have a single person in the watcher field. However when I add a second watcher the results is bruce.wayne,clark.kent The function prototype userEmail(string user) does not like the comma or second name. I am not sure.

Is it possible to update addon to work with multiple users? Or is there a way that I can limit the string field code injector to only take the first result. If that is possible I could run the postfunction multiple times for first, second, and third results.

Perhaps something similar to cascading select list where I can choose to take the first or second result.

Thanks again for the gread addon

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Greg,

    In next version of the plugin userEmail() will support comma separated list of users. Meanwhile you can use the following expression:

    toString(textOnStringList(toStringList(%{00133}), userEmail(^%)))
  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Greg,

    Version 2.2.29 included a new funcion that allows to implement the behavior you required:

    userFullName(string list user_names) : string list

    Returns a string list with the full names of the users in argument user_names. Argument user_names is a string list with user names, not to be confused with users full names.

    To implement the behavior you required you should use:

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