Roll up hours spent on story or task to Epic, then Initiative

Issue #488 resolved
Robert Anthony created an issue

Hi Fidel, Robert here again, working with a new client. I think I have a new use for your plugin and could use some guidance. Working on some advanced capex reporting but first want some basic hours reporting functionality. I have a basic task workflow (open/in progress/done) and on closing the task a basic transition screen with the log work field. I want a post function to add (not replace) the hours spent on this task to the epic overall.

I then will use the same functionality to add those epic hours to an overall initiative used to track multiple epics.

Tempo surprisingly doesn't work with initiatives which is why im hacking it this way.

Bonus points if I can get all the info to sync occasionally without having to use a post function. Thanks man!

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Robert,

    For first time, next version of the plugin will provide 3 calculated custom fields types. I think you will be able to fulfil your requirements using them.

    I pair of questions: Do you want this information to be shown as a text like 5d 6h 12m or as a number of hours (or any other time unit), like 345?

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Robert,

    Version 2.2.29. Using this new version you can implement a Calculated Number Field in your epic issues that returns a single numeric value with the sum of logged work-hours.

    You should use any of the following math expressions:

    Hours Logged in Epic and its Tasks

    round((sum(fieldValue({00025}, linkedIssues("is Epic of"))) + {00025}) / 60)

    Hours Logged in Epic, its Tasks and their Sub-tasks

    round((sum(fieldValue({00025}, linkedIssues("is Epic of") UNION subtasks(linkedIssues("is Epic of")) UNION subtasks(%{00015}))) + {00025}) / 60)

    Note that:

    • {00025} is code for numeric value of Total time spent (minutes)
    • %{00015} is field code for Issue key.

    In short different format options will be added to Calculated Number Field in order to allow a pretty format like 5d 6h 12m.

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