Problem populating Ephmeral number 3

Issue #490 resolved
Tim Kopperud created an issue

Every issue created in the example below is within the same project. Subtasks are not used.

From one original issue (issue type Order) I have created 4 new issues in one single transition adding 4 post functions using “Create Issues and subtask” in this form: Issue 1 (issue type Delivery): Delivery_1 Issue 2 (issue type Phase): Phase_A Issue 3 (issue type Phase): Phase_B Issue 4 (issue type Phase): Phase_C

They are linked so that Issue_1 Is linked to the original Order, and the phases all are linked as “Phase in” Delivery_1.

What I try to solve is to then link each phase to each other during the same transition where the 5 issues were created, using a “Has to be done before” link. Resulting in this: Phase_A -> has to be done before -> Phase_B Phase_B -> has to be done before -> Phase_C

My problem is that I cannot find a way to fetch the IssueKey for the “Phase” issues. It seems "ephemeral number 3" is not populated except for the first issue (delivery), though I have confirmed I have checked the "save issues keys..." (in Additional Actions) in every post function. Querying %{00060} in the description field only gives the first issue (done for testing only).

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Tim,

    I have implemented a use case similar to what you describe, and it's working correctly using JIRA 7.3.0 and JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.27.


    conf-1.png conf-2.png



    Please, double check your configuration.

  2. Tim Kopperud reporter


    It seems I mixed Ephemeral string 3 with Ephemeral number 3, where the latter only contains the first created issue through the whole transition. Ref image where I used Ephemeral number 3 to link the last created issue to the first created.


  3. Tim Kopperud reporter

    OK, I have tested further and by using string instead of number it works exactly as needed.

    Thanks again, Fidel for swift and good service. The Workflow Toolbox is just fantastic :)

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