"is not initialized" is not working for existing tickets

Issue #495 resolved
Vivek N created an issue

Hello, We are having issue with our jira workflow. We have two tickets using same workflow. The workflow uses additional checks when transitioning from one status to another

Workflow -> Condition -> If custom field US-UAT Approver is not initialized. by JWT

This isn't working for existing tickets. However if I create a new ticket, it works. What could be the problem ?

Using latest version, updated 2 days ago

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Vivek,

    Did the problem appeared after updating to the most recent version of the plugin (i.e., 2.2.29)?

    Please, attach the following 2 screenshots: condition's tab and validator's tab of the transition were you are experiencing the problem.

    How does the problem manifest? Is the transition not been shown when it should? Is the transition being shown when it shouldn't? Is an error message being shown?

    Which type is field US-UAT Approver? Is a custom field provided by a plugin, or is it JIRA native?

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Thanks for the information Vivek. I have some other questions:

    1. Did the problem appeared after updating to the most recent version of the plugin (i.e., 2.2.29)?
    2. How does the problem manifest? Is the transition not been shown when it should? Is the transition being shown when it shouldn't? Is an error message being shown?
    3. Which version of JIRA are you using?
  3. Vivek N reporter

    No. The problem was there with the old version. I thought that updating would help, but it didn.t The transition isn't showing when it should. JIRA 7.21

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