Identify Customer Portal or Customer in Workflow

Issue #498 resolved
Patrick Schuh [brainbits] created an issue

Hello Fidel,

I want to set a variable in a custom field depending on the customer who raises a request in service desk. Therefor I'm looking for a way to identify the customer portal or the users organisation. Is there any possibility to do that?

Best regards Patrick

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Patrick,

    JSD provides a locked custom field called "Organizations". This field is automatically set with the organization of the reporter. We can use this custom field in order to conditionally set another one.

    You can use "Set a field as a function of other fields" post-function with a configuration like this:

    • Field to be checked...: Organizations
    • Target field: select the field to be set
    • Setting rules: some setting rules examples are:
    (.*Coca Cola.*)value_for_cocacola

    Please, let me know if you have any doubt on this

  2. Patrick Schuh [brainbits] reporter

    Hello Fidel,

    yes, that should work! Just another question regarding this use case: do you know a proper data store where I can store customer/organisation specific values? I want to avoid to write that values into the post function.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can use project properties provided you don't mind that the data is visible in the project's description.

    You can retrieve the information stored in project properties using function projectProperty(property_name). This function can be used in post-function "Set a field as a function of other fields".

    I can help you to build your setting rules if you give me more details.

  4. Patrick Schuh [brainbits] reporter


    1. I have setup a project property called "account".
    2. I want that property be written in the custom field "account" on create of the ticket.

    I'm unsure how to use "Set a field as a function of other fields" in that case...

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