Linked issue validator

Issue #50 on hold
Matthew Rotenbury created an issue

I'm having an issue configuring the linked issue validator. I'm running version 2.1.18 on JIRA 5.0.6. I'm linking an issue (Story) from a JIRA 6.2.3 instance running the Agile plugin. It looks to me like the link is showing up just fine and I can see the state and information between the two sides through the link, but the validator doesn't seem to be working.

Originally, I set it up so it required at least 1 link of any type of linked "Story" issue type in the status of "Done" with any resolution, but after that failed I slowly started making it less and less restrictive. Until it hit the below state. At no point did it work.


Once I created a link to another ticket on the same JIRA platform, the function worked correctly and it accepted the criteria to advance the ticket.

Any idea why it doesn't work when linking between different systems?

I've also attached the error from the catalina.out log when I attempted the transition with the failing validator.

Thanks, -Matt

Comments (11)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Matthew,

    This is not a bug. What is happening is that currently this validator doesn't support remote issue links. I will try to support it in next version of the plugin. I will keep you informed of the progress of the work at this issue.

    Thank you,


  2. Matthew Rotenbury reporter

    Understood, thanks Fidel. Any rough idea on the timeline for the enhancement and next version?

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Next version of the plugin (2.1.19) will be released next week, and it won't implement this improvement.

    It's not trivial to implement it. I have to investigate it in detail, but it should be available not later than 30th June. I will make available a beta version implementing it as soon as possible.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry, I haven't been able to release the version on time. Anyway, tomorrow I will make available a beta version with limited functionality to check existence of remote issue links.

    Due to JIRA JAVA API limitation it is not possible to implement on remote links the full functionality of "Validation on lined issues".

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have just made available version 2.1.20_beta_4 with an enriched parser with a new function:

    • number remoteIssueLinks(string issue_link_types)

    That functions allows you to check the number of remote issue links with a certain set issue link types, but I'm not able to check for the type and status of the links issue due to JIRA API limitations and what seems to be a bug in the API. I will keep working on it to make it possible to check for status and issue type.

    I show you an example of usage of the new function: let's suppose we want to check for the existence of "is blocked by" issue link types to internal or remote issues. To implement the validation we will use Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms with the following configuration:

    Boolean Validator configuration

    For readability I copy + paste here the boolean expression entered:

    count(linkedIssues("is blocked by")) + remoteIssueLinks("is blocked by") = 0

  6. Matthew Rotenbury reporter

    My test environment should be free next week to test this out. If it can't currently handle reading status, would it be able to read field values? As an example, if I were to take the status and copy it to a custom field via post function, would it be able to read the value of that field? So count remoteIssueLinks("is dependent on") > 0 AND (RemoteField %{00000}) = "Status"

    If it is a bug in the API, would it be feasible for Atlassian to investigate the issue?

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Matthew,

    It's not possible to check a custom field's value, since JIRA JAVA API doesn't provide methods to do it. Anyway, it's possible to check whether remote linked issues are resolved. I may enrich function remoteIssueLinks to include resolution as an input argument. Would it be enough for your use case?

    There is a bug in JIRA 6.2.1 reported that might have some relation with the problem to ask for issue status, and it will be fixed in JIRA 6.3.1. Anyway, I will report the bug to Atlassian.

    I will keep you informed.

  8. Matthew Rotenbury reporter

    Unfortunately resolution won't work in this case. We currently have a separate JIRA instance running the Agile plugin and we're trying to ensure the agile stories are in a certain state or later in our main (change management) JIRA instance.

    Long term I'm hoping to merge the two systems one day but there are other dependencies that I'm still working to eliminate which is keeping our main system at 5.0.6.

    The current enhancement will at least solve a large part of the equation by ensuring there is at least one remote linked issue.

  9. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    This issue has been partially resolved with recently released version 2.1.20. Function has been renamed to "numberOfRemoteIssueLinks".

    I leave the issue in status "On Hold".

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