Set Fields functionality

Issue #500 resolved
Jonas Gomes created an issue


i'm trying to use this postfunction to set any value like Assignee in the new task created by this postfunction, is impossible to do this ?

Is possible this problem if what have for this value is type String and Assignee is User Picker?

Cheers, JG

Comments (17)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jonas,

    I'm pretty sure that what you are trying to is perfectly possible, but I have a question for you:

    Can you, please, tell me which post-function are you using? Is it "Create issues and subtasks".

    To set a user picker you only have to write a user name (not to be confused with user's full name) into it.

  2. Jonas Gomes reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    you're right, is it this postfunction.

    Check my attachment, i'm trying this but dont work! I already used it function like userEmail("jonas.gomes") Link TextSem título.png

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jonas,

    That configuration should work provided user jonas.gomes is correctly written and has permissions to get the issue assigned.

    You can also use the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-02-07 a las 13.37.55.png

    Please, confirm the version of JIRA Workflow Toolbox and JIRA you are using.

  4. Jonas Gomes reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    I used this configuration and still the same problem, assignee dont received this value :(

    Jira Workflow Toolbox version: 2.2.28

    Jira Version: 7.1.9

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Can you please, attach a screenshot with the post-function's tab of the transition where you have inserted "Create issues and subtasks" post-function? I want to see all the post-functions and the execution order.

  6. Jonas Gomes reporter

    Sure, pf.png

    This postfunction have the function get all value set in the customfield 'Envolvidos' and create another Issue with summary of Source Issue + ('envolvido') and, this 'envolvido' set int assignee (what not work).

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have just tried a configuration similar to yours, using JIRA 7.1.9 and JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.28, and it works exactly as expected. The new issues are assigned.

    Have you double checked that jonas.gomes has permissions to get those issues assigned, and that it's the username (i.e, the one used to log in the system).

    If you keep having problems we can have a video-conference through Skype. My user is fidel100r. I will be available tomorrow since 9:00 UTC to 11:30 UTC, or today until 14:45 UTC, i.e., for the next 45 minutes.

  8. Jonas Gomes reporter

    Permission is not the problem, if i use groovy and set assignee Programmatically this works. So is not permission problem.

    I'm go continue trying another possibilites, if not work i'll call you via Skype

  9. Jonas Gomes reporter

    Is first thing i do when i have this type problem. Nothing in log, not Error Message or any thing

    That's why I came to ask for help here haha. Report nothing, is so strange

  10. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Although in my test it worked correctly, please, try disabling the option for inherit values for remaining fields. Let's see whether it has something to do with the problem.

  11. Jonas Gomes reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    i disable the option, but now give another error... i put a attachment screenshotpp.png

  12. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It must be due to a field not being set in the newly created issues, but which is required by an expression in "Create Issue" transition of Story's workflow.

  13. Jonas Gomes reporter


    Thanks for you help, in Create Issue there were Assignee to another User... Reason for not working, my mistake..

    anyway, thanks for you attention. You were very helpful.

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