Copy assignee to cloned ise as watcher

Issue #501 resolved
Itamar Ben-Sinai created an issue

Hi, I tried to create a watcher on a cloned issue from current assignee of the clones issue this is what i did that did not work, please advise:

Value of field Assignee in current issue will be copied to field Watchers in linked issues or subtasks filtering by:
Inward issue link types: is cloned by. Outward issue link types: none Subtasks won't be written. Sibling subtasks won't be written. Issue types: Functional Requirement. Statuses: any Linked issues or subtasks may belong to any project. This feature will be run as user in field Current user.


Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Try doing the following changes:

    • Target field: New watchers
    • Issue link types: clones
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