Getting an error message "Exception occurred while updating issue:" while creating a JIRA issue

Issue #51 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am getting the following error when creating a JIRA issue and I add a post-function of Add as watcher users in field Case Owner Username. Atlassian has determined that it's not an issue on their part.

Exception occurred while updating issue: com.atlassian.jira.workflow.WorkflowException: org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException: while inserting: [GenericEntity:UserAssociation][sinkNodeId,null][created,2014-05-23 11:38:03.627][associationType,WatchIssue][sourceName,paul.nienaber][sinkNodeEntity,Issue] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO public.userassociation (SOURCE_NAME, SINK_NODE_ID, SINK_NODE_ENTITY, ASSOCIATION_TYPE, SEQUENCE, CREATED) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (ERROR: null value in column "sink_node_id" violates not-null constraint))

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    I don't see in that exception message any reference to JIRA Workflow Toolbox add-on.

    I will need the following information, please:

    • Version of JIRA you are using
    • Screenshot of post-function configuration you are trying.
    • Screenshot of exception message.
    • Screenshot of the post-function tab of transition configuration, in order to see other post-functions in the transition.

    Best regards,


  2. george navarro

    Hi Fidel, The odd thing is that the error message did not have reference to JIRA workflow toolbox plug-in but what I ended up doing is removing the add as watcher in the workflow. I used the following: Add as watcher users in field Case Owner Username. Add as watcher users in field Escalation User

    When I removed the above from my workflow, I was able to create a JIRA issue. Now, I am also using customware salesforce/JIRA connector and the two fields Case Owner and Escalation User are coming from the salesforce side.

    Version of JIRA is 6.0.8 I can't give you a screenshot of the exception message (it's the same I posted earlier) because I removed the post-functions in order to be able to create these JIRA issues as production support team was down until this was fixed. I am attaching the screenshot of the post-function tab as well (minus the two add watcher ones I mentioned above)

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Please, ensure that you are inserting the post-functions after post-function "Create the issue originally", since before it the issue doesn't exist yet, and you can't add any watcher.

  4. george navarro

    ok, thanks. I'll try this and see if it works. I did originally have it before the Create the issue originally before we upgraded to JIRA 6.0.8 and it worked fine. but i've now changed it and will test it

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