Question about changing assignee of sub tasks

Issue #526 resolved
IT Management created an issue

Currently I am trying to automate the assignee of sub-tasks, but could not find any reference of how to accomplish this.

We have an issue which has 1-N sub-tasks.

Below I will explain what we are trying to achieve…

The sub-tasks have a custom field name ‘Sequence’, which is the order they need to be processed. This is a simple select menu with numeric values 1-10.

When a sub-task is transitioned the assignee of the next sequential sub-task should be automatically assigned to a named user. I was planning for this to be the same user name (i.e. "user_name" ). I could also add the user to a custom field if it makes it easier.

Is it possible to update the sub-task assignee using a condition or Filtering by field values to check that the value of the Sequence is 1 greater than the sub-task that is being transitioned?

Comments (5)

  1. IT Management reporter

    Hi, I'm not sure this will work from the parent issue transition. The parent issue is automatically transitioned from Open -> In Progress when the first sub-task is transitioned. NOTE: the parent and sub-tasks have a different workflow.

    If I add this post-function to the sub-task workflow transition, should the expression us siblingSubtasks?

    filterByPredicate(siblingSubtasks(), toNumber(^%{12004}) = toNumber(^%{12004}) + 1)

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry, you are right. Use the same post-function in sub-task's workflow using the following issue list expression:

    filterByPredicate(siblingSubtasks(), toNumber(^%{nnnnn}) = toNumber(%{nnnnn}) + 1)

    replacing nnnnn with field code for Sequence custom field.

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