Character set wrong when using copy via link

Issue #528 resolved
Christian Unbehend created an issue

One of our customers, a big broadband telecommunication company, uses JIRA for planning and coordinating the extension of its broadband infrastructure. In those workflows in many transitions we use copy via link to copy field values to linked issues. When using german special characters like ö,ü,ß those characters disappear in the target (see attachment). JIRA

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Christian,

    Please, attach a screenshot of the configuration of the post-function you are using for copying field values between linked issues.

  2. Christian Unbehend Account Deactivated reporter

    The problem only occurs, if Browser-URLs are copied, e.g.: File://unity/data/Technik_Netze/Network_Development/Ordermanagement/öffentlich/ABEr Maßnahmen/01 ABEr_ab_2017/6311C1-20_ANDE-21427

    If input is from keyboard everything is fine..

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Christian, I'm having difficulties to reproduce your problem. Can you, please, update to JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.32 (most recent version), and let me know whether the problem persist?

  4. Christian Unbehend Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Fidel, Users have found a workaround and additionally the problem occurs with other tools which copy via link. So we don't think this is a problem of WF-Toolbox, but perhaps the JIRA-API. No further investigation needed actually.

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