"Write field on linked issues or subtasks" issue for post function on an 1 to many (ALL) transition?

Issue #529 resolved
Anders Holm created an issue


I'm trying to transition a linked issue through its workflow, in an "ALL" transition (transition i available from all steps has been checked for this transition). But it seems not to run.

I have two post functions using "Write field on linked issues or subtasks", but only one seems to be executed (the top one is not executed). See attachment.

So my question is, is it necessary to have a 1-1 relationship between workflow statuses in order for the linked issue to be transitioned?

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Anders,

    Any kind of transition can be executed, so it should work. Maybe there is a condition or validator in transition "Close Feature" that is preventing it from being executed. Is it possible?

    By the way, use = ["FSBKOMBIT"], instead of = ("FSBKOMBIT") since:

    • stringA in stringB looks for substring stringA in string B.
    • stringA in ["stringB", "stringC", "stringD"] looks for stringA in string list ["stringB", "stringC", "stringD"].
  2. Anders Holm reporter

    Hi Fidel

    Fantastic. I of course had a validator in the target workflow. After removing that it works as intended. Thanks for the quick response.

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