Send email - Attachment formatting

Issue #530 resolved
AndreH created an issue

Hi, Is there a way to change the formatting of the email (HTML) with the attachment field?

It only sends items in a comma separated format (a1, a2, a3). It's not very readable with lots of attachments. Can it be setup for something like a table?

Sample of the Post Function email body-

<p>The items are</p> <p>Attachments</p> %{Attachments} <- ((((this is %{00071} not just attachments)))) <p> Thank you for your help</p>

Output of HTML email -

The items are


64jirb5.png, IntroducingPHP_CertificateOfCompletion.pdf, NEW481.pdf, ServiceDesk Diagnosis.txt, SharePoint 2013 List Export Procedures.docx, Test-Groups-BFor.png, ze_links.xls

Thank you for your help

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    You can use post-function "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function to compose a <ul><li> list for the attachments and store it in Ephemeral string 1. Then you can use that virtual field to inject the table in the body of your email.

    You can compose the list using "Copy a parsed text to a field" like shown:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-03-01 a las 22.47.40.png

    Text to be parsed is:

    "<ul>" + toString(textOnStringList(toStringList(%{00071}), "<li>" + ^% + "</li>"), "") + "</ul>"

    where %{00071} is field code for attachments.

    You will need at least version 2.2.30.

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