Project role viewer not recognising JIRA Workflow Toolbox conditions

Issue #544 resolved
Roy Chapman created an issue

Issue is also covered by Looks like there is a bug here. Click any of the View links on the 'View Usage for Project Role' screen to see which users/groups are associated with a project role for a particular project I have checked all of our roles and only one shows usage in a workflow. Yet we have 10's of workflows that used groups of roles in conditions, for example Only users in any of following roles can execute this transition: Administrators, Business Analyst, Project Manager This condition is missed because it has multiple roles in a single condition - a feature of JIRA Suite See the attachments

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Roy,

    I don't have permission to see GHS-73920. Can you, please, ask for visibility to me?

    Anyway, I'm afraid that it's not possible to include the usage of third party plugins in the 'View usage for Project Role' functionality provided by JIRA.

  2. Roy Chapman Account Deactivated reporter

    Fidel, thanks for the confirmation. This is a shame. The 'View usage for Project Role' option is useful in seeing which projects use a specific role. If this can only see standard conditions then it is redundant. Given the usage of the JIRA Workflow Toolbox it is a shame that Atlassian don't recognise a condition that includes more than one role. If a single role is added it recognises this. Seems like a simple regex issue. Oh well, thanks for confirming


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